It's Labour Day already. I have articles of white clothing that have yet to be worn. This, my friends, is a major bummer.
Every now and then, I will come up with money-saving schemes which range anywhere from "pure genius" to "holy crap, not only was that a total waste of time, I actually spent more than I saved." This last category tends to include buying in bulk from Victoria's Secret and Costco and being inexplicably drawn to "Buy One Get The Other Half Off" sales.
My money-saver for the fall is off to a rough start - I bought a magazine about money saving, The Vogue Fall Fashion Issue and a really cute Volcom flannel shirt from Tergesens in Gimli. As luck would have it, my boyfriend/fiance/common-law husband/life partner/etc was at the till when I got there with said shirt, and, reasoning that it would look killer at the Pearl Jam show in a couple of weeks, purchased it for me. Awww. Problem solved.
As for the magazines, I see those more as necessary investments in this falls budget. I have been diligently scouring the 800-page Vogue Issue for looks that I think are practical, stylish, and most importantly, can be brought together using only the wardrobe that I currently have. That's right, no buying clothes until, oh let's say the new year? An obvious exception to this rule is a Winnipeg Jets jersey. I've decided that underwear, socks and pantyhose are not included either. But seriously, that's it.
This is by no means an original or groundbreaking idea, but it should be interesting given my addiction to accumulating random crap every time I pass by a store.
I plan on posting photos and commentary every day that I can make this work. So if you don't hear from me for a while, you can safely assume that my plan is an abject failure and that I'm washing windshields on the corner of Stradbrook and Osborne for a new pair of pumps.
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